Callouts Demonstration

Callouts are a specially-colored blocks that call attention to particular bits of information. They might be special warnings, asides, or other details. To use callouts, the page (or target) has to have the callouts filter enabled, then provide syntax such as the following:

**Tip:** This is a "Tip" callout, styled with green and a checkmark by default.

Tip: This is a "Tip" callout, styled with green and a checkmark by default.

Note: Callouts have four types by default: "Note", "Tip", "Caution", and "Warning".

Caution: Be sure not to overuse callouts.

Warning: Callouts are very specific. **Note:** triggers a callout; **Notes:** doesn't. The colon is optional, though.

Multiline Callouts

Tip: Multiline callouts with blockquotes are now possible.

  • Do this to include bulleted lists.
  • Or other types of lists.

Code example:

> **Tip:** Multiline callouts with blockquotes are now possible.
> - Do this to include bulleted lists.
> - Or other types of lists.

If you have a callout word like tip bolded mid-paragraph, it should not become a callout.

Please note that this also applies to blockquotes.

There is a difficult edge case for blockquotes where a paragraph other than the first one starts with a callout keyword:

This is the start of a blockquote that is not, itself, a callout.

Note: This callout occurs in the middle of a blockquote.

But the blockquote containing it is not, itself, a callout.

Also, note that you can cannot use code fences in blockquotes.

Caution: Code fences in blockquotes don't work right.

js if (true) { console.log('this line of code should be indented'); }

The code fence gets treated as inlined code text instead. This is a limitation of Python-Markdown.

You can, however, use indented code blocks in blockquotes:

Tip: To get a proper code block in a blockquote, provide a single line of just the blockquote intro >, and indent the code block 5 spaces.

print("Hello world!")
if True:
    print("Note that extra spaces beyond the initial 5 carry over.")

To continue the block quote afterwords, leave a near-blank line similarly. Do not use code fences in a blockquote: they don't work as expected.

Cases to Avoid

  • In a list, the callout applies to the whole list item.
    • Tip: You can have callouts nested in a list.
      • Warning: You probably wouldn't like what happens if you nest callouts in list items that are already callouts.
  • One more point. Note: The callout doesn't trigger if it's not at the start of the element.
Table Stuff
Warning: Callout syntax in table cells is weird. So it's probably best not to do that.
Probably. Caution: It could maybe work better with better CSS.

Custom Callout Types

You can define additional callout types if you want. This requires two pieces:

  • A list of what words should trigger a callout.
  • CSS styles for the relevant callout types.

To define custom callout classes, write the trigger words (case-insensitive) in your project's Dactyl config file. This overwrites the default list, so include the default four if you still want to use them. For example:

  - "tip"
  - "ヒント" # equiv. of "Tip" in Japanese (lit. "Hint")
  - "note"
  - "注記" # equiv of "Note" in Japanese
  - "caution"
  - "注意" # equiv. of "Caution" in Japanese
  - "warning"
  - "警告" # equiv. of "Warning" in Japanese

Any paragraph that starts with a bold or italic section that consists of only one of the listed words triggers a callout. The callout has two CSS classes:

  1. A general callout class. This is dactyl-callout by default.
  2. The word that triggered the callout (for example, tip) in all lowercase.

You can customize the general callout class with a config file line such as the following:

callout_class: "my-callout-class"

Finally, add the relevant CSS styles to your stylesheet for the new class. For example, the default Dactyl stylesheet defines the "Tip" and "ヒント" callout styles as follows:

.dactyl-content .dactyl-callout {
    border-style: solid;
    border-radius: .25rem;
    border-width: 1px;
        border-left-width: 1px;
    border-left-width: 4px;
    padding: 5px;
        padding-left: 5px;
    padding-left: 25px;
    page-break-inside: avoid;

.dactyl-content .dactyl-callout.tip, .dactyl-content .dactyl-callout.ヒント {
    border-color: #28a745; /* Green border */

.dactyl-content .dactyl-callout.tip > strong:first-child::before,
.dactyl-content .dactyl-callout.tip > p strong:first-child::before,
.dactyl-content .dactyl-callout.ヒント > strong:first-child::before,
.dactyl-content .dactyl-callout.ヒント > p strong:first-child::before {
    content: "\f058"; /* fontawesome check-circle icon */
    font-family: FontAwesome;
    color: #28a745;
    margin-left: -20px;
    padding-right: 5px;