
You can use the preprocessor to hide or show certain content based on various conditions. For example, you can have a page used in multiple targets, but omit certain portions from the output in some targets. Or, you can have text and markup that only shows up in HTML mode but not PDF mode or similar rules.

You can use any of the fields available to the preprocessor for your conditionals, including commandline variables and any fields defined in the frontmatter.

Example of printing different text by :

{% if currentpage.condition == 'tests-2' %}
some text that only appears when the "condition" field of the current page is "tests-2"
{% else %}
some text that appears when not tests-2
{% endif %}

some text that always appears


some text that appears when not tests-2

some text that always appears

Example of printing different text in different

{% if mode == 'pdf' %}
This is PDF mode.
{% elif mode == 'html' %}
This is HTML mode.
{% elif mode == 'md' %}
This is MD mode (See also: `--githubify`)
{% elif mode == 'es' %}
This is ElasticSearch indexing mode (JSON).
{% else %}
We should not reach this case.
{% endif %}


This is HTML mode.